On 4/18/12 9:50 AM, Ted Thibodeau Jr wrote:
On Apr 18, 2012, at 09:18 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
On 4/18/12 3:40 AM, Nicolas Torzec wrote:
+1 for a wiki/FAQ describing the Wikipedia ecosystem and the relationships between Wikidata and the other semantic projects around Wikipedia. This is a legitimate question for the general public and the press. And it's also probably useful for many persons in this field, as illustrated in this thread.
We could start with a general overview of Wikipedia and its "semantic" ecosystem, as proposed by Kingsley. Then we could have a summary of each project, with a highlight of its key difference with Wikipedia, Wikidata and other projects. And we could finish with a table summarizing the goal and difference of each project, with links to project pages
Or is it too verbose? (in which case we might just want the introduction and the final table...)
So we have this rough draft categorization:
Content Consumers& Structured Data Transformers:
- Freebase
- DBpedia .
Data Wikis:
- Freebase
- Wikidata
*DBpedia isn't a Data Wiki because edits occur via the Wikipedia content Wiki*
Data Wiki Platforms:
- OntoWiki
- Semantic MediaWiki.
Content Wikis:
- Wikipedia
Content Wiki Platforms:
- MediaWiki
- Other Wiki platforms .
One element I see missing from (or at least, unclear in) the discussion thus far, is how corrections or other changes are made to the data therein, and how changes made in one set are fed (back) to the others. In other words --
When an error is discovered in data on service "x", where are edits made to correct that data?
If edits are made locally (on service "x") to content which originated on another service ("y"), do those edits also get applied to the original source, and if so, how (e.g., automatically by service "x"; manually by the user; manually by service "x" admin team; etc.)?
I think information like this is needed throughout, and will help a lot in demonstrating the complementary nature of these various services.
DBpedia content, for instance, is not edited directly, but gets all its changes by digesting edits made to Wikipedia.
Freebase also digests changes made to Wikipedia (but it's not clear to me exactly how these are then acted on), but is also edited directly -- and I don't see a mechanism that routes such direct Freebase edits back to Wikipedia (or elsewhere).
Provenance data is one functionality realm I expect Wikidata to accentuate. Basically, this is has to be a critical component of any Data Wiki oriented initiative.
-- A: Yes. http://www.guckes.net/faq/attribution.html | Q: Are you sure? | | A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation. | | | Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?
Ted Thibodeau, Jr. // voice +1-781-273-0900 x32 Senior Support& Evangelism // mailto:tthibodeau@openlinksw.com // http://twitter.com/TallTed OpenLink Software, Inc. // http://www.openlinksw.com/ 10 Burlington Mall Road, Suite 265, Burlington MA 01803 Weblog -- http://www.openlinksw.com/blogs/ LinkedIn -- http://www.linkedin.com/company/openlink-software/ Twitter -- http://twitter.com/OpenLink Google+ -- http://plus.google.com/100570109519069333827/ Facebook -- http://www.facebook.com/OpenLinkSoftware Universal Data Access, Integration, and Management Technology Providers
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