Natural News is full of bizarre conspiracy theory stuff... I wouldn't trust their analysis much :/
On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 11:50 PM, Jane Darnell wrote:
Hmm, there seems to be much more behind this scary story about Jolie:
I didn't know you could patent a gene and reading between the lines, I think it's a tragedy for Jolie and her family. It's true that it's an impressive PR stunt though - check the stats pn the Jolie article and the BRCA1 article, which links to the lawsuit in the lead.
2013/5/15, Jane Darnell
It would be nice if someone could make an analysis of the presence & depth (treatment, protocol, prevention) of articles on breast cancer vs prostate cancer on Wiki(p/m)edia, as both are becoming about the same threat in terms of live expectancy after diagnosis. We could work from there on a to-do list.
2013/5/15, John Vandenberg
The 'getting tested' section looks very North America and 1st world centric.
It would be an interesting Wikiversity project to look at illnesses/medical procedures/etc with participants from different regions of the world trying to document how they would need to tackle the problems involved, if it became necessary.
E.g. where is the nearest place that the test/procedure can be done, and how frequently do they do the test/procedure as that may be a major consideration in whether you would travel further to receive more experienced care. Is the test covered by public health or insurance? Are related costs covered? (e.g. travel) How much will it cost.
John Vandenberg. sent from Galaxy Note
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