1. If it's so clear that the "before and after" picture is of not one but two women, what is the intention behind it being restored? I know the answers could very well be guessestimates at best at this point, but how can we figure this out? 2. If the picture is showing results of a non-medical procedure, it should be stated as such. I remember accessing Wikipedia several times throughout my teenaged years; we cannot expect all of our readers to be an adult with a better understanding of anatomy.
From, Emily
On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 3:24 PM, Ole Palnatoke Andersen <palnatoke@gmail.com
On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 6:37 PM, Sarah slimvirgin@gmail.com wrote: ...
What really bothers me is the "before" image shows a woman within a normal range, yet we are presenting this as something in need of surgery. I'm concerned that young women could stumble on this and start to doubt themselves.
Somewhat related: The most well-known Danish woman's self-awareness book, [[da:Kvinde, kend din krop]] was originally published in 1975, and has been revised several times since. This year, the group behind the book opened a photo booth in order to collect images of the diversity of female genitalia. Have a look at it at http://kvindekenddinkrop.dk/ - use your favourite translation service if you don't read Danish (no, there are no genitalia on the front page
- the link 'BILLEDERNE' will take you there).
Regards, Ole
-- http://palnatoke.org * @palnatoke * +4522934588
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