Dear Sir, I thank you for your answer. This is an excellent solution to the matter of assigning people from Wikimedia TN User Group to attend Wikimedia Summit. Yours Sincerely, Houcemeddine Turki ________________________________ De : Wikimedia-tn de la part de yamen bousrih via Wikimedia-tn Envoyé : lundi 2 décembre 2019 17:11:27 À : Wikimedia TN User Group Mailing List; Abida Houssem Objet : Re: [Wikimedia-tn] Wikimedia Summit
Hi Houssem and All the members,
Our request to extend the registration deadline for the next Wikimedia Summit has been accepted by the organisers of the conference from WMDE.
They moved the deadline from the 16th of December to the 17th of Jan.
On behalf of the current constitutive board, we will make sure to hold the elections on time and have our new board in place before this new deadline.
Please note that according to the current version of the bylaws art 7.6, by default the president of the board should be the representative of the group unless the board decide to designate another person from the board or from the group.
Thanks Yamen
Le vendredi 29 novembre 2019 à 17:11:35 UTC+1, yamen bousrih via Wikimedia-tn a écrit :
Hi Houssem,
Thank you for bringing this on the table.
Indeed WMDE started the organisation of the Wikimedia Summint 2020 and they published the list of eligible Chapters/Orgs/Groups.
Regarding our group we shouldn't have an issue as per the table below (accessible via this link ) which shows that we are ready to register and our reports are up-to-date.
[Image en ligne]
Nevertheless we may have an issue to designate a representative within the fixed deadline as WMDE fixed the deadline to register for the 16 of December while we were hoping to do that after electing the first board first week of January.
We asked WMDE whether it's possible to have an extension of the deadline until we finish the elections and we are waiting their answer.
We will keep you posted about this and we are sure we will find a solution in the next upcoming days.
Thanks Yamen
Le jeudi 28 novembre 2019 à 19:08:36 UTC+1, Abida Houssem a écrit :
_______________________________________________ Wikimedia-tn mailing list **** Ceci est un courriel diffusé sur la Mailing List officielle de Wikimedia TN User Group, pour vous désinscrire, visitez Hi all,
I hope you are doing all well.
As I am part of other Wikimedia groups, I noticed that these groups started selecting their representative for Wikimdia Summit.
What about ours? Aren't we eligible for this? (One of the groups I am in was not eligible but then the issue was fixed) so thinking maybe it's the same for us.
-- Houssem ABIDA Medical student - Medicine School of Tunis _______________________________________________ Wikimedia-tn mailing list **** Ceci est un courriel diffusé sur la Mailing List officielle de Wikimedia TN User Group, pour vous désinscrire, visitez