Cher User Group, chers compatriotes,
J'ai besoin de votre support dans les élections de l'Affiliations Committee.
Je vous serais reconnaissant si vous ajoutez un commentaire ou un message
de support dans la partie ''comments about Sami Mlouhi'' .
Je suis le candidat num 8 et voici le lien vers la page de vote :
*Sami Mlouhi*
*Member of Wikimedia TN User Group.*
Dear co-founders of the group,
Dear Wikimedia TN User Group members,
I trust my email finds you all in good shape. I'm writing to you on my
capacity as Carthagina current President.
I’m addressing this email to the co-founders of the group as the legitimate
co-chairs and to the community as well because we are partners in several
successful projects (MedinaPedia, GLAM) and contests (WLM, WLA,...). We
strongly value this partnership and we would like to maintain it for more
joint work (the ongoing GLAM project in the Diocesan Library, the upcoming
photo contests, the next MedinaPedia Dougga and Sfax,...).
I would like to report an issue between a member of this community and some
members of my team - Carthagina that has gone bigger than expected.
In Carthagina, we value people and we value our team's work and of course
our partners. Partner for once, partner forever. We, as well, prioritise
the diversity and homogeneity of the team.
Jamel Ben Saidane (a wikimedian and Human Resources Officer - Carthagina)
and I received a complaint from Afek Ben Chahed and Zeineb Takouti, two
members of Carthagina and active Wikimedians. They reported several times
the misbehaviour of the Wikimedian Mounir Touzri. The situation kept
escalating to the point of insulting Zeineb and devaluing her work.
Harassing Afek and trying to influence her to split Carthagina and
Wikimedia TN UG members. Afek reported as well that Mounir has stolen one
of her ideas of Wiki University Clubs.
Side conversations took place containing gossiping, shouting on the phone
and depreciation toward these members. It became an unhealthy environment
to volunteer. It suddenly became a very contagious atmosphere where my
teammates felt frustrated and affected in a way to have incidents within
the core staff of Carthagina (when Mounir started reaching out to Issam
Barhoumi and Samy Mlouhi).
*I would like to thank Habib and Yamen who called the members to motivate
them in several occasions showing a good model of leadership.*
But this is not all. The complaint that I would like to hand to you as a
Wikimedian, contains influencing voting. Several members confirmed that
Mounir contacted them privately to ask them to vote for a specific person.
The way that he acts as the owner of the every new members faith; X person
can go to attend Y conference while Z person is not welcome to attend ...
May I remind you that this kind of behaviour made us lose one of the active
and enthusiastic wikipedian few year ago (I’m talking here about Wael
I would like to also highlight that myself as well as other wikimedians,
have concerns about the grants that Mounir is receiving without letting us
know. I recall our Wikimedia TN meeting organised by Mounir himself in
Sousse early March, when we all agreed that all grant requests should be
known by the community and go through our unique fiscal sponsor CLibre.
>From our side in Carthagina, for the first time in our history we activated
our policy and decided unanimously to ban definitely Mounir Touzri from all
our activities, projects and venue. We declare him as a "Persona non
grata". This decision was taken based on our code of conduct and all our
members, observer-members and board of trustees voted for it. This is the
hardest decision, we took in Carthagina, especially that Mounir was
considered part of our community and that he helped us in the WM-Carthagina
events. But unfortunately, we cannot allow/accept this kind of behaviour
from someone who's supposed to know our policy as well as the Wikimedia
friendly space policy.
The Carthagina meeting minutes would be shared with Yamen and Habib and if
you would like to hear more concerns from our team about the Wikimedia
related issues, my team and I are happy to collaborate.
It saddens me to write this email but the situation needed an action to
stop the abuse from growing bigger than it is.
Digital Manager - British Council Tunisia
Affiliations Committee Member - Wikimedia Foundation
Founder & President of Carthagina
[image: --]
Emna Mizouni
[image: http://]
*+21623550150 *
J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la vérification de notre compte Twitter
@WikimediaTN (ainsi que notre compte regional @WikiArabiaConf)
Avec l'aide de Habib (pour tout ce qui est paperasse), et sans le retour de
l'equipe Social Media de la WMF, j'ai réussi a le faire. Ca nous a pris
quelques mois!
La prochaine étape sera la page FB.
Congratulations dear Wikimedians !
Emna Mizouni
Digital Manager - British Council Tunisia
Affiliations Committee Member - Wikimedia Foundation
Founder & President of Carthagina
[image: --]
Emna Mizouni
[image: http://]
*+21623550150 *
Le resultat final est 117 photos que vous les trouverez dans la catégorie
''Wikimedia Tunisia at Espérance sportive de Tunis training (volleyball
Pour les sections Foot et Hand il faut un autre rendez-vous fixé après
le Aïd.(vous
trouverez en pièce jointe la demande donnée à l'administration de l'EST)
Aussi je tiens à remercier Heyfa et Zeineb Takouti qui m'ont fourni un
objectif Canon 55-200 mm .
A la fin, je vous souhaite un Eïd mabourak.
Bien à vous,
*Sami Mlouhi*
*Member of Wikimedia TN User Group.*
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Florence Devouard <anthere(a)>
Date: 2017-08-29 8:18 GMT+01:00
Subject: [African Wikimedians] Fwd: [Correspondants] INVITATION AUX RNLL
To: Mailing list for African Wikimedians <
african-wikimedians(a)>, Francophones mailing list <
Pour information aux francophones
-------- Message transféré --------
J'ai le plaisir de vous informer que BLOLAB organise la 5e édition des
Rencontres Nationales du Logiciel Libre (RNLL) 2017 du 05 au 09 septembre
2017 à Porto-Novo (Bénin).
Les RNLL sont un cycle de conférences, d’ateliers et de tables rondes
autour des technologies numériques libres et de l’innovation sociale et
numérique. Elle auront lieu cette année autour du thème « Logiciel libre,
un enjeu pour l'Éducation ».
Les RNLL sont créatrices de rencontres, de nouvelles synergies, de partage
et de savoir.
Cette année spécifiquement, en plus des manifestations classiques
(ateliers, conférences, tables rondes, formations, village du libre, ...),
les RNLL connaîtront une journée spéciale «Université» dédiée à
l'orientation sur les métiers du numérique et une journée professionnelle
dédiée aux entreprises avec un salon de l’innovation numérique pendant deux
Au programme:
Salon de l’innovation numérique
Journée universitaire sur les métiers du numérique
Journée professionnelle
Village du libre
Plus de 500 participants de plusieurs pays attendus cette année.
L’ appel à participation est ouvert et accessible à travers ce lien :
L'essentiel des informations sur les les RNLL 2017 se trouve sur le site
web des RNLL :
Les RNLL sont un événement qui plairont autant au simple curieux qu'au
«geek» averti.
La participation est gratuite et libre d’accès pour tous.
Rejoignez-nous vite pour célébrer le numérique libre et ses enjeux pour la
transformation numérique de l'Afrique.
Pour toutes autres informations, n'hésitez pas à nous écrire:
African-Wikimedians mailing list
En mars j'ai été mise en contact, par le membre Mounir Touzri, avec
Florence Devouard, pour un projet avec la fondation Orange, et depuis on
n'a pas parlé.
Hier on m'a appelé de la fondation(Monsieur Belhassen Sghaier Médiateur
numérique chez Orange)
pour une réunion pour me donner plus de détails sur le projet.
Aujourd'hui je suis allée, on m'a parlé d'un concours d'écriture pour les
élevés (de 8 à 11 ans) dans des écoles rurales des 24 gouvernorats, les
enfants doivent écrire des articles et les publier sur Vikidia (vous pouvez
trouver plus de détails dans le message transféré). L'école gagnante va
recevoir 4000€.
Vu que Wikimedia est déjà partenaire, ils cherchent des membres de
Wikimedia Tunisie pour former les instituteurs (sur 3 jours dans 4
gouvernorats: Tunis, Gabes, Sousse et Béja) et d'autres membres pour la
correction des articles (Orthographe et structure) avant de les publier.
Je leur ai dit que je dois demander aux membres d'abord, moi j'ai trouvé
que le concours est très intéressant surtout pour les écoles rurales.
Veuillez, s'il vous plait me donner vos avis, et si vous êtes intéressés me
dire quelle tache vous pouvez prendre (la formation ou la correction), j'ai
besoin de leur préparer une liste le plus tôt possible parce que les
formations commencent le 16 Octobre, on n'a pas beaucoup de temps.
---------- Message transféré ----------
De : Florence Devouard <anthere(a)>
Date : 14 mars 2017 à 12:25
Objet : Projet Orange et WikiFundi
À : Afek Ben Chahed <benchahedafek(a)>, youssef.bechaouch(a)
Cc : Florence Devouard <fdevouard(a)>, Faouzia Mzabi <
faouzia.mzabi(a)>, Belhassen Seghaier <belhassen.seghaier(a)
Bonjour Afek et Youssef
Suite à ma discussion téléphonique avec Youssef la semaine dernière et sur
la recommandation de Mounir (Wikimedia Tunisia), je me permet de vous
mettre en relation.
Afek, Youssef est Chef du Département RSE et Solidarité numérique à Orange
Afek Ben Chahed est wikipédienne en Tunisie, membre de Wikimedia Tunisie et
a déjà une certaine expérience des interactions avec les écoles en Tunisie.
Je crois ne pas la connaitre mais elle m'a été recommandé par Mounir avec
lequel je travaille sur plusieurs projets.
Nous allons organiser (a priori pour la rentrée scolaire) un concours
d'écriture d'articles par les enfants des écoles faisant partie du réseau
des Ecoles Numériques d'Orange.
Ce projet d'écriture fait partie de WikiFundi (financé par la Fondation
Il est probable que les écrits seront déposés sur l'encyclopédie Vikidia ( car les enfants participants seront dans la classe
d'age 8-11.
A l'occasion de l'organisation de ce concours, je suis entrée en contact
avec la structure locale de la Fondation Orange représentée par Youssef. Je
lui ai parlé du concours d'écriture mais également des autres projets dans
lesquels nous sommes impliqués, tel que le concours Wiki Loves Africa. Je
pense qu'il serait judicieux que vous fassiez connaissance :)
Très cordialement
Florence Devouard
sans virus.
Dear Mr. or Ms.,
I thank you for your support. If you need further information about AICCSA conference, you can find them in
Yours Sincerely,
Houcemeddine Turki
Envoyé depuis un mobile Samsung
-------- Message d'origine --------
De : abdelwaheb turki
Date :2017/08/22 13:53 (GMT+01:00)
A :,,,
Objet : [Wikimedia-tn] About my AICCSA paper
Dear Mr. or Ms.,
I thank you for your support to my Wikimedia grant. This is an honour of me. Upon the request of Mr. Federico Leva, I share with you my paper that will be presented in AICCSA 2017. It is currently available in!AiC69hcGxSVPl1UI1SV81mkr2uVu. However, the paper requires to be adjusted. As you can see below, the reviewers have already asked me to do several important adjustments. If someone would like to adjust the paper, he is invited to directly adjust the paper in OneDrive or offline or to reply to this email and explain his proposal. As for the proposal of Mr. Leva, I liked it and I ask if he can give me some details about how to apply it to my research paper. As for the grant, it is still open and that is why I invite you to endorse it in….<…> This will help me to have the grant to attend this ERA C Class conference.
Yours Sincerely,
Houcemeddine Turki
AICCSA-Copie-_2_ 2.docx<!AiC69hcGxSVPl1UI1SV81mkr2uVu>
Partagé via OneDrive
De : ANLP2017 <anlp2017(a)>
Envoyé : mercredi 16 août 2017 00:53
À : Houcemeddine Turki
Objet : ANLP2017 notification for paper 3
Dear Dr.Houcemeddine Turki
Congratulations! On behalf of the ANLP 2017 workshop and Conference Committees of the 14th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications AICCSA 2017, October 30th to November 3rd, 2017.
we are happy to inform you that your paper entitled:
Using WikiData to create a multi-lingual multi-dialectal dictionary for Arabic dialects
has been accepted for presentation and inclusion in the Proceedings of AICCSA - ANLP 2017, published by IEEE.
Please see the reviewers’ comments below on your paper. These comments are intended to help you to improve your paper for final publication. The listed comments should be addressed, as final acceptance is conditional upon appropriate response to the requirements and comments. The conference committee retains a list of certain critical comments to be addressed by authors, and will control that these have been addressed in the camera-ready version.
What is next:
The AICCSA website is updated now with required information. Please find below the details for the camera ready submission and the registration.
Camera ready submission:
Due date: 31/8/2017
Submission information can be found at the following link:
Final Camera Ready and copyright instructions<>
14th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications AICCSA 2017 October 30th to November 3rd, 2017
Paper Registration:
Due date: 8/9/2017
The registration information can be found at the following link:
Registration - AICCSA<>
14th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications AICCSA 2017 October 30th to November 3rd, 2017
We are looking to meet you in AICCSA 2017.
Best Regards,
AICCSA - ANLP 2017 Organization Team.
----------------------- REVIEW 1 ---------------------
TITLE: Using WikiData to create a multi-lingual multi-dialectal dictionary for Arabic dialects
AUTHORS: Houcemeddine Turki, Denny Vrandečić, Helmi Hamdi and Imed Adel
Overall evaluation: 1 (weak accept)
----------- Overall evaluation -----------
It is an interesting work with valid assumption and its proposed ideas also in line with the expectation of the event. Overall, I think, this paper is interesting and has good contribution to this topic. However, the authors are advised to have the following points on their revised version:
-Please elaborate in details about the proposed approach with more focusing on the relations between its components, as they are the core of the solution and need more justification of why to use them.
-Overall technical exposition must be strengthened with more concrete examples.
-The authors are urged to summarize and list the key observations from the paper.
-The paper is readable but a language improvement using a native speaker is recommended.
-Some minor editorial issue, like enhancing the plots quality, the equations, etc...
-Many reference are with *incomplete* bibliographic information (like lack of publication venue, for instance). This must be corrected.
In summery, it a well prepared paper.
----------------------- REVIEW 2 ---------------------
TITLE: Using WikiData to create a multi-lingual multi-dialectal dictionary for Arabic dialects
AUTHORS: Houcemeddine Turki, Denny Vrandečić, Helmi Hamdi and Imed Adel
Overall evaluation: 0 (borderline paper)
----------- Overall evaluation -----------
The paper technical content is very marginal, the paper has many language and editorial issue,
a better results presentation and figs quality are needed. i guess the paper is not ready for publication yet.
Other issues to be considered too:
- The paper lacks clarity in motivating the proposed research and in stating its expected outcome
- the review of the state of the art lacks an analysis of the existing work and the positioning of the research in the state of the art
- The methodology is too general and does not convincingly show the feasibility of the proposed approach
- the research lacks a concrete illustration on a case study.
recommendation to the authors
- to clearly state the objective of the research in terms of problems to address and expected results and show how the proposed research will advance the state of the art by
overcoming the limitations of the existing work
- to preset an analysis of the state of the art and discuss the benefits/limitations of the existing approaches with respect to the addressed research problem
- to be more precise in the description of the methodology and show how the methodology would achieve the stated objectives
- to discuss the future plans with respect to the research state of progress and its limitations
There is serious issue with many editorials in the paper that need to be fixed, many of the figs are fuzzy and need to be reconsidered again.
Dear Mr. or Ms.,
I thank you for your support to my Wikimedia grant. This is an honour of me. Upon the request of Mr. Federico Leva, I share with you my paper that will be presented in AICCSA 2017. It is currently available in!AiC69hcGxSVPl1UI1SV81mkr2uVu. However, the paper requires to be adjusted. As you can see below, the reviewers have already asked me to do several important adjustments. If someone would like to adjust the paper, he is invited to directly adjust the paper in OneDrive or offline or to reply to this email and explain his proposal. As for the proposal of Mr. Leva, I liked it and I ask if he can give me some details about how to apply it to my research paper. As for the grant, it is still open and that is why I invite you to endorse it in….<…> This will help me to have the grant to attend this ERA C Class conference.
Yours Sincerely,
Houcemeddine Turki
AICCSA-Copie-_2_ 2.docx<!AiC69hcGxSVPl1UI1SV81mkr2uVu>
Partagé via OneDrive
De : ANLP2017 <anlp2017(a)>
Envoyé : mercredi 16 août 2017 00:53
À : Houcemeddine Turki
Objet : ANLP2017 notification for paper 3
Dear Dr.Houcemeddine Turki
Congratulations! On behalf of the ANLP 2017 workshop and Conference Committees of the 14th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications AICCSA 2017, October 30th to November 3rd, 2017.
we are happy to inform you that your paper entitled:
Using WikiData to create a multi-lingual multi-dialectal dictionary for Arabic dialects
has been accepted for presentation and inclusion in the Proceedings of AICCSA - ANLP 2017, published by IEEE.
Please see the reviewers’ comments below on your paper. These comments are intended to help you to improve your paper for final publication. The listed comments should be addressed, as final acceptance is conditional upon appropriate response to the requirements and comments. The conference committee retains a list of certain critical comments to be addressed by authors, and will control that these have been addressed in the camera-ready version.
What is next:
The AICCSA website is updated now with required information. Please find below the details for the camera ready submission and the registration.
Camera ready submission:
Due date: 31/8/2017
Submission information can be found at the following link:
Final Camera Ready and copyright instructions<>
14th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications AICCSA 2017 October 30th to November 3rd, 2017
Paper Registration:
Due date: 8/9/2017
The registration information can be found at the following link:
Registration - AICCSA<>
14th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications AICCSA 2017 October 30th to November 3rd, 2017
We are looking to meet you in AICCSA 2017.
Best Regards,
AICCSA - ANLP 2017 Organization Team.
----------------------- REVIEW 1 ---------------------
TITLE: Using WikiData to create a multi-lingual multi-dialectal dictionary for Arabic dialects
AUTHORS: Houcemeddine Turki, Denny Vrandečić, Helmi Hamdi and Imed Adel
Overall evaluation: 1 (weak accept)
----------- Overall evaluation -----------
It is an interesting work with valid assumption and its proposed ideas also in line with the expectation of the event. Overall, I think, this paper is interesting and has good contribution to this topic. However, the authors are advised to have the following points on their revised version:
-Please elaborate in details about the proposed approach with more focusing on the relations between its components, as they are the core of the solution and need more justification of why to use them.
-Overall technical exposition must be strengthened with more concrete examples.
-The authors are urged to summarize and list the key observations from the paper.
-The paper is readable but a language improvement using a native speaker is recommended.
-Some minor editorial issue, like enhancing the plots quality, the equations, etc...
-Many reference are with *incomplete* bibliographic information (like lack of publication venue, for instance). This must be corrected.
In summery, it a well prepared paper.
----------------------- REVIEW 2 ---------------------
TITLE: Using WikiData to create a multi-lingual multi-dialectal dictionary for Arabic dialects
AUTHORS: Houcemeddine Turki, Denny Vrandečić, Helmi Hamdi and Imed Adel
Overall evaluation: 0 (borderline paper)
----------- Overall evaluation -----------
The paper technical content is very marginal, the paper has many language and editorial issue,
a better results presentation and figs quality are needed. i guess the paper is not ready for publication yet.
Other issues to be considered too:
- The paper lacks clarity in motivating the proposed research and in stating its expected outcome
- the review of the state of the art lacks an analysis of the existing work and the positioning of the research in the state of the art
- The methodology is too general and does not convincingly show the feasibility of the proposed approach
- the research lacks a concrete illustration on a case study.
recommendation to the authors
- to clearly state the objective of the research in terms of problems to address and expected results and show how the proposed research will advance the state of the art by
overcoming the limitations of the existing work
- to preset an analysis of the state of the art and discuss the benefits/limitations of the existing approaches with respect to the addressed research problem
- to be more precise in the description of the methodology and show how the methodology would achieve the stated objectives
- to discuss the future plans with respect to the research state of progress and its limitations
There is serious issue with many editorials in the paper that need to be fixed, many of the figs are fuzzy and need to be reconsidered again.
Dear Mr. or Ms.,
I was accepted several days ago to present my paper about using Wikidata in Arabic Natural Language Processing in AICCSA. AICCSA is an ERA C Class international conference that is attended by hundreds of researchers each year. As I cannot pay the registration and accomodation fees for the conference, I applied for a rapid grant from Wikimedia Foundation. I ask if you can endorse my application available in… so that I will not cancel my participation to this international conference due to the lack of means.
Yours Sincerely,
Houcemeddine Turki
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <wikiar-l-request(a)>
Date: 2017-08-18 13:00 GMT+01:00
Subject: Wikiar-l Digest, Vol 108, Issue 5
To: wikiar-l(a)
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Today's Topics:
1. تذكير بالموعد النهائي للتقديم في
مؤتمر التنوع في ستوكهولم (Reem Al-Kashif)
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 19:57:54 +0300
From: Reem Al-Kashif <reemalkashif(a)>
To: Mailing list for Arabic Wikipedia Discussion
Subject: [Wikiar-l] تذكير بالموعد النهائي
للتقديم في مؤتمر التنوع في ستوكهولم
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
أعضاء مجتمع ويكيبيديا العربية،
تحية طيبة وبعد،
هذا تذكير بأن الموعد النهائي للتقديم لمؤتمر التنوع في ستوكهولم بالسويد هو
20 أغسطس. تجدون رابط التقديم هنا
وتجدون في هذا الرابط
المزيد من المعلومات.
*Kind regards,Reem Al-Kashif*
Subject: Digest Footer
Wikiar-l mailing list
End of Wikiar-l Digest, Vol 108, Issue 5
Emna Mizouni
Digital Manager - British Council Tunisia
Affiliations Committee Member - Wikimedia Foundation
Founder & President of Carthagina
[image: --]
Emna Mizouni
[image: http://]
*+21623550150 *