Hello, all!
I am the author of http://wikimania2010.wikimedia.org/wiki/Submissions/Interlanguage_links_in_W... , which was accepted and scheduled by Wikimania 2010 program committee, and, I hope, will be performed. It's not a time to discuss such problems now, but I have one request, or proposal, quite urgent, you will find it below. Despite the antidiscriminational stance of the Foundation, not all our users can attend to Wikimania, even if they are physically able to do it. These possible troubles include immigration concerns of authorities of the venue site (this is my case, see http://wikimania2010.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Incnis_Mrsi ), politically motivated restrictions, social suppressing or intimidation of particular groups or individuals, hostile climate or environment (though I am not sure that such case is ever possible). Two previous Wikimanias took place in counties with not so strong immigration policy as in European Union.
So, my proposal follows. At Wikimania wiki site, let us make some visual distinction for nicknames of users, which have both a time and a will to participate in Wikimania (of a particular year), but can not attend because of troubles mentioned above. For my own case I propose a solution on JS, in http://wikimania2010.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Incnis_Mrsi/standard.js , it italicizes links to my nick and may be used in MediaWiki:Commons.js . I do now know whether somebody else was refused to get in, but the code may easily modified to serve a list of several nicknames. Such code should be used in all subsequent Wikimania-year wiki-sites with list of italicized nicknames generated for each year. This may serve as a feedback to choose Wikimania sites carefully in the future.
Some readers may think that I am a rouge whose entrance to Schengen zone was denied due to some offences. It is certainly false. Indeed, I am ready to prove that I have not any negative track in my country of origin, nor in some other ones.
Thank you for your attention! Regards, Incnis Mrsi