Hi all -- I just signed up to this list and was looking atht e
archives a bit. I noticed the discussion about the Wikimania German
site, and was curious after reading this comment:
> Part of their logo, however, is a distorted version of the Wikipedia
logo, which I believe is not kosher; whoever contacts them to request
they change their logo should also press them to change the name of the
I went to the site and it did look a lot like our logo. But I found a
little section on their page about themselves which talks about their
See the "Unser LOGO" section. My German isn't that great anymore but
they basically say they got theirs from a book which came out in 2001
and that it is very sad that we picked a similar logo (if I'm not
reading it wrong, they are subtlely claiming that we stole in from
The book: http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~gutsche/ideen-werkstatt/Ssingh2.jpg
This is from 2001, our current logo didn't evolve until 2003 according to
So... yeah. Looking over the logo discussion, I don't see any evidence
that our current logo was influenced by that book or the German
Our progression was:
1. Text on a ball
2. Ball made of puzzle
3. Text on puzzle
4. Individual letters on puzzle
It seems like an independent visual genealogy, unless I'm missing
something. Very odd. Anyway, I don't think we have a strong claim
about them copying us.
So.. beyond that.. hi! Glad to be here!
I know not if your mail, Presroi, can be forwarded or not to Wikimania-l
(I am not sure whether this list is private or publicly archived
either); but just wanted to cross-mention that the issue of the site
http://www.wikimania.co.uk had generated some mails on wikimania-l as
well during the last hours. So, it would be possibly relevant that those
discussing the issue on wikimania-l get a little bit of background about
that website and know that the issue has been raised on the juriwiki
list as well.
I love it. 0 users, 10 articles, much copyviolation and trademark abuse.
( 0 Benutzer; 10 Artikel; viele Urheberrechts- und Markenrechts(?)verletzungen )
At least they're good enough to list their names and contact details
on the main page:
"Willkommen in der Wikimania!
Die Wikimania ist keine freie Enzyklopädie. Jeder eingeladene User
kann mit seinem Wissen beitragen und die Artikel direkt im Browser
bearbeiten. Seit November 2005 haben wir 10 Artikel in deutscher
Sprache verfasst. Gute Autoren sind immer willkommen – die ersten
Schritte sind ganz einfach! ...Weitere
Informationen zur Wikimania"
If the term isn't being pursued for protection yet, it should be...
should this have gone to info-de instead?
General chat:
Mysekurity asked for a one-week shift; Jimbo said any time after this
Saturday works for him. How about meeting the following Saturday, Dec
10 at 2200 UTC? Please respond on meta:
As for program discussion; the last chat saw a good coverage of
potential tracks. Is there interest in having another chat next week?
Still to be discussed : specific speakers (and association with
tracks), orgs from which speakers would be interesting (cf. brian's
LOC contact, orgs from last year). As usual, this should be hashed
out on-wiki; please continue to add to speaker and track lists here:
Up next : the ultimate wikimania infochannel?