Hi Denny, Finn, Sven, et al.,
I was hugely encouraged by your discussion on the Wikidata list RE: importing data, licence chains etc.
My own work on www.linkedheritage.euhttp://www.linkedheritage.eu is covering the exact same issues you raised (database right, import from multiple source databases, open licenses for reuse) plus a couple more special to commercial sector data providers (risk and benefit of contributing to open data sources; commercial reuse potential of existing open data)...
If anyone is interested in sharing some thoughts just on these topics, especially the technical and organisational feasibility of managing this rights info, on or off list, I would be grateful and happy to share my summaries of the issues.
Best wishes,
Michael Hopwood Linked Heritage Project Lead EDItEUR United House, North Road London N7 9DP UK
Tel: +44 20 7503 6418 Mob: +44 7811 591036 Skype: michael.hopwood.editeur http://www.linkedheritage.org/ http://editeur.org/
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