# Overview of the workshop ########################
Business Intelligence and Analytics (BI&A) and the related field of big data analytics have become an important area of study for both practitioners and researchers. This reflects the extent and importance of data-related issues. Protecting this data and extracting value from it are also challenges of great importance in the last years and for many years to come.
The 1st International Workshop on Business Intelligence over Big Data (BIoBD) workshop aims to gather researchers and practitioners around topics interested in current issues related to BI&A and big data as well as issues related to the protection and semantics of data. Original, unpublished research papers are welcomed in the BIoBD workshop.
Authors are invited to submit their work under the form of either a long paper exposing novel research works with preliminary results, or a short vision paper outlining research issues for future work. Rejected papers from ADBIS https://adbis2019.um.si/ that match the workshop topics could be resubmitted to BIoBD and will undergo the same review process as the other submissions. Each submission will be reviewed by 3 members of the program committee. The best papers presented at BIoBD will be invited for publication in an international journal.
# Submission Guidelines #####################
The page limit is 12 pages for full papers and 6 pages for vision papers (in LNCS format). Excessively short submissions (3 pages or less) will not be penalized. Latex submissions are highly encouraged. Nonetheless, papers prepared in other word processing software are also welcome. Papers should be submitted in PDF format via Easychair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=biobd19 https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=biobd19
# Important dates ################ Paper submission: *May 17, 2019* Acceptance notification: *June 10, 2019* Camera-ready: *June 23, 2019* Workshop: *September 8, 2019 in Bled, Slovenia*
# Organizing committee ##################### Ghislain Atemezing, MONDECA, Paris, France Faten Atigui, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), Paris, France Soufiane Mir, Orange Bank, France
Details of this CfP at http://adbis-biobd2019.cnam.fr/
Best, Ghislain A.