That sounds to me as very useful indeed, Amir. I'm a newby to wikidata but as soon as I am back from my holiday (as of 5/5) I'd like to help. I know how to transliterate Armenian, Georgian, Ukrainian and Russian to internationally standardized (ISO-standards) forms (and to English and maybe French and German too). Problem could be that these standardized forms lead to diacritic characters (e.g. hacek on 'c' & 's'; Чайковский ---> Čajkovskij and Щедрин ---> Ščedrin). Is wikidata able to deal with these?
best regards, Eric van Balkum ('Eric de Muziekbibliothecaris') (former) Music Librarian, managing authority database at _'Music was my first love, and it will be my last'_
Amir Ladsgroup schreef op 2015-04-22 14:48:
Hello, I started bot of auto-transliterating names of humans, initially with Persian and English (as a pair) since I know both and I can debug. After some modifications, In the last check, In more than several hundreds of edits I checked, I couldn't find any errors, I want to expand this bot for other languages but before, I need opinions of people who know rules of transliterating names in these languages, I tried to realize rules and this is my result but I need someone familiar to confirm *Chinese: Instead of space it uses "·" character (it's not dot) but order is the same. e.g Alan Turing is: "艾伦·图灵" [2] which "艾伦" means Alan and "图灵" means Turing *Japanese: it's the same but different separator: "・", e.g. "アラン・チューリング" [3] *Russian: The separator is space character but order is like "FamilyName, GivenName" e.g. "Тьюринг, Алан" [4] is "Turing, Alan". Handling names with more than two words would be pretty complicated (I skip them) *I checked Hebrew and Greek and both are simple languages like Persian, same order, space as separator.
If you can help me, it would make a great difference in number of labels in your language. Things you can help are: 1- Confirm or correct rules of these languages and add other rules if needed. 2- Suggest more languages. I thought about Sanskrit, Hindi, and Telugu but I don't know anyone who can check the rules, if you do, please help me. 3- For any language I will do an initial run just to test, if you can check edits of the bot (which is pretty easy, e.g. see this [5]) it would be awesome.
Thanks, Best
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