Yes indeed we do. Andra is working on a scheduler for the update bot now. (And thanks to the tips about wbeditentity function it should go faster now...)
We have a grant to expand the scope of the original gene wiki project ( to a) use wikidata as its structural foundation and b) expand into other areas such as genes and diseases.
Looking forward to continuing to work with the community to make wikidata a key hub of open biological and medical information on the Web.
On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 1:23 PM, Denny Vrandečić wrote:
Wow! That's pretty cool work!
Do you have any plans to keep the data fresh?
On Mon Oct 06 2014 at 1:22:12 PM Benjamin Good wrote:
I thought folks might like to know that every human gene (according to the United States National Center for Biotechnology Information) now has a representative entity on wikidata. I hope that these are the seeds for some amazing applications in biology and medicine.
Well done Andra and ProteinBoxBot !
For example: Here is one (of approximately 40,000) called "spinocerebellar ataxia 37"
-Ben _______________________________________________ Wikidata-l mailing list
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