Hi all, I find it hard to know what are the connections between Wikidata and authority control organizations and big live databases.
We got plenty of property that maps entities to external datas in Wikidata, but information about their freshness and the deepness of the collaboration between community and the organisations is harder to find.
There is a degree of collaboration, which come from « community does all the work, maintenance and synchronisation, updates on Wikidata are not reflected on the database » to « the organisation fully collaborate and maintains a two way synchronization of the mapping and data from Wikidata (meaning, corrections on Wikidata are reflected on the database and the other way around) ».
Do we know where we are on the scale for the major authorities ? Pages like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:Authority_control/VIAF seems to be a little dead, which suggest the collaboration which VIAF seems a little dead right now. Did I miss anything ?