Dear all, (Note: I could not find the document, where your requirements regarding the tracking of facts on the web are written, so I am giving a general introduction to NIF. Please send me a link to the document that specifies your need for tracing facts on the web, thanks)
I would like to point your attention to the URIs used in the NLP Interchange Format (NIF). NIF-URIs are quite easy to use, understand and implement. NIF has a one-triple-per-annotation paradigm. The latest documentation can be found here:
The basic idea is to use URIs with hash fragment ids to annotate or mark pages on the web: An example is the first occurrence of "Semantic Web" on as highlighted here:
Here is a NIF example for linking a part of the document to the DBpedia entry of the Semantic Web: a str:StringInContext ; sso:oen .
We are currently preparing a new draft for the spec 2.0. The old one can be found here:
There are several EU projects that intend to use NIF. Furthermore, it is easier for everybody, if we standardize a Web annotation format together. Please give feedback of your use cases. All the best, Sebastian