Hi all, I am building a Question Answering System for Wikidata (I will put the demo live in May) and would like to be able to ask quesitons like "Give me the cities in Alaska". To query Wikidata I am using the Wikidata SPARQL endpoint.
The SPARQL query for this question looks the following way [0]:
SELECT DISTINCT ?x ?xLabel { # All things in Alaska ?x (wdt:P131+ | wdt:P276) wd:Q797 . # All cities ?x ((wdt:P106 | wdt:P39 | wdt:P31) / wdt:P279*) wd:Q515 . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . } }
I'm not sure why you are using P106 or P39 for cities. If some data has it, it's almost certainly an error - city can not hold a position or have an occupation. Using P276 is usually an error too.
For the query, I'd suggest this one: http://tinyurl.com/m5dtwax