Hello Wikidatans,
I'd like to quickly introduce you ViziData [1], a data visualization app that I wrote as part of my bachelors thesis last year and will work on improving in the coming months. It displays the geographical and temporal location of events (currently only births and deaths of humans are available in the prototype). The data is extracted from Wikidata with Wikidata Toolkit.
The tool means to show an interesting use of the data in Wikidata (especially larger amounts) and can also give an impression about the quality and completeness of the collected data on a larger scale.
Planned improvements include: * other datasets to display * more efficient and useful timeline widget * embedded tile map for orientation * canvas rendering for performance * information about events (e.g. listing persons who were born at selected point) * code quality :S
The source is available on Github under the MIT license [2] and the corresponding paper can be read online [3] (in German only though). If you have any questions or concerns about this project, feel free to contact me :]
[1] http://wwwpub.zih.tu-dresden.de/~s5219191/vizidata/ [2] https://github.com/gordelwig/ViziData [3] https://ddll.inf.tu-dresden.de/web/Thema3412 (German only)