Heya folks :)
Wikiyovage now has access to the data on Wikidata - meaning they got phase 2. With this the first sister project is fully supported \o/ The next sister projects will follow. More information on this soon.
We've also just updated the software here. This brings a number of bug fixes and other improvements. The ones that are probably most important for you: * The copyright warning no longer pops up again when you change your language * There is now a new special page to list items/properties without a description in a given language. Thanks for the patch by Bene*. * The message that pops up when you want to add a link to an item which is already in use in another item has been improved. Thanks for the patch by Nemo bis. * Broken links to set sitelinks for Wikivoyage in the non-JavaScript version have been fixed. ([[bugzilla:51914]], [[bugzilla:52095]]) * The automatic comments for edits have been improved. They are more detailed now. * API: You can now provide custom edit summaries for edits via the API. * API: You can undo a revision via the API. * API: Bot edits via the setclaim API module are now marked as such ([[bugzilla:50933]]). * API: Precision and globe parameters are now required for geocoordinate data. * Starting in a few days a Wikidata edit that shows up in recent changes and watchlist on the client (Wikipedia/Wikivoyage) is going to be marked with a "D". Thanks for the patch by umherirrender.
Unfortunately we were not able to put the URL datatype on the test system on time for this deployment. It didn't get enough testing so we couldn't deploy it today with a good concious. We know you're waiting for this but it's better to give it a bit more testing and roll it out in 2 weeks with the next deployment. The URL datatype is now live for real on test.wikidata.org for you to try. Please give it a try and report any bugs you encounter.
Please let me know if there are any issues.
Oh and one more thing: Abraham, Denny and I sat down for an evening trying to captchure what Wikidata is about in a video. Hope you like it :) http://www.wikidata.org/wiki/File:Wikidata%27s_World.webm
Cheers Lydia