Could you maybe give us more info on the status of this issue and if we could do something to help alleviating it?
I think the best way if you discover this issue to tell me (by leaving a note on https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User_talk:Smalyshev_(WMF) or by filing an issue in Phabricator and tagging it with wikidata-query-service), specifying: - Affected ID - Specific property that is wrong and which values are missing (test case queries welcome too :) - When the property was updated, if known (sometimes I can see it in history but bot updates are often massive and hard to search)
It's even better if you could hold off updating the item for a little bit (I'd usually be able to look into it within a day or two, and then update it), since after it's updated it's be hard for me to know which of the servers had wrong data, and research why it happened. Preserving the error state for a bit enables me to research in more details.
Mostly unrelated to this, there might be still some deleted items lurking around in the DB, since the deletion problem we had about a month ago. If you notice any, please tell me. Eventually I'll do the DB reload to sync them all, but that may take some time due to some other issues, so for now just please tell me about them.