Only now catching up ofter some travel. This is working pretty nicely. One question though:
- When there are no (more) suggestions available at some point, a normal search
considering all properties is used as a fallback
So, if there are 3 mathing suggestions, but a normal search would return 5 more matches, are these combined? Or is the normal search only triggered when there are *no* matching suggestions?
Btw, it would be nice to highlight the search term/prefix in the suggestion window, but that has nothing to do with the suggester as such... I suppose that would be a feature of the basic entity selector.
-- daniel
Am 01.02.2014 18:09, schrieb Finke, Moritz:
this is just to let you guys know that we made some major progress with the Property-Suggester in the last couple of weeks:
- The suggester is now integrated with the UI of the Edit-Item-Page, so that
suggestions are displayed, when a user wants to add a new statement to an item. 2. The suggestions can/will be filtered by user input (a prefix search is applied to labels and aliases of possible property suggestions) 3. When there are no (more) suggestions available at some point, a normal search considering all properties is used as a fallback
You can test all this yourself by prentending to add a new statement to http://suggester.wmflabs.org/wiki/index.php/Item:Q4 or http://suggester.wmflabs.org/wiki/index.php/Item:Q5.
As last time we are looking forward to your feedback and ideas
Christian, Virginia, Felix, Moritz