Qualifiers, like other user-generated properties, will be represented by a name like "p72137", not by "rank". Therefore a clash cannot happen.
In the example we only used names in order to make it more readable.
Cheers, Denny
2012/10/18 Andreas Schultz a.schultz@mes-semantics.com:
Hi Daniel,
thanks for the answer. Is there any plan on when to decide on a concrete (version 1) JSON representation?
There is also one more thing I would like to ask about the JSON draft. Is there any reason why qualifiers are represented as key-value pairs directly in the statement object, instead of an associative array reachable through a "qualifiers" key? I am just imagining possible collisions, e.g. if someone wants to use "rank" as a qualifier that is independent from the Wikidata rank.
Cheers, Andreas
On 17 October 2012 15:29, Daniel Kinzler daniel.kinzler@wikimedia.de wrote:
On 17.10.2012 13:20, Andreas Schultz wrote:
Wouldn't a representation like the following be more appropriate?
"value": { "latitude" : 32.233, "longitude" : -2.233, }
That is, if "snaktype": "value", then there has to be a "value" key with a data type specific value object.
I agree - it should either be "value", or the same as the top-level property, as in:
"location": { "location": { "latitude" : 32.233, "longitude" : -2.233, }
"as-of": { ... } }
Something that imho would also be useful, is a way to specify the data type - this could be optional. For the Geo example something like the following would make sense:
"datatype": "geo"
Without such a definition, a consumer would have to derive the data type from the keys and/or the lexical representation of the values, which would usually be a tough task.
I agree that at least for the external representation, every value should always be accompanied by its data type. It's just a pain having to look up the data type, or maintain a mapping locally.
The question is how to represent this structurally.
"location": { "value": { "value": { "latitude" : 32.233, "longitude" : -2.233, }, "type": "geo" } }
or, resp:
"location": { "location": { "value": { "latitude" : 32.233, "longitude" : -2.233, }, "type": "geo" } }
The latter makes more sense to me. But it's a lot of overhead. Alternatively:
"location": { "value": { "_type": "geo" "latitude" : 32.233, "longitude" : -2.233, }, }
Using "magic" keys (prefixed with "_" or whatever) is kind of nasty, but saves quite a bit of structural complexity.
-- daniel
-- Daniel Kinzler, Softwarearchitekt Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.
-- Telefon/Phone +49 6441 87087-32 · Telefax/Fax +49 6441 87087-17 E-Mail a.schultz@mes-semantics.com · Web http://mes-semantics.com
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