Hi all,
We are looking for someone with data visualisation experience to help us with a new pilot research project investigating gaps in coverage of Wikimedia in Australia (see ad below). We have received a small amount of money by UTS to run this pilot while we wait on the results of a proposed for a much larger project. The pilot will probably only be a few days work but there may be more work down the line. We would love to hear from anyone interested in working with us on this! Please email me if interested.
*Data visualisations expert *
Heather Ford http://hblog.org, Head of Digital and Social Media at UTS https://www.uts.edu.au/future-students/communication/digital-and-social-media in Sydney and Tamson Pietsch, Head of the Centre for Public History at UTS https://www.uts.edu.au/research-and-teaching/our-research/australian-centre-public-historyalong with collaborators, Wikimedia Australia https://wikimedia.org.au/wiki/Wikimedia_Australia (including Pru Mitchell and [[User:99of9|Toby Hudson]]) are involved in a project to analyse Wikipedia’s scope and progress over the past twenty years (relating to Australia and possibly globally). We are looking for someone to help us to develop a series of visualisations for a pilot project. This will involve extracting data about en.wp.org https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/QNnXCJyBPjFg0KzMhv8Did?domain=protect-au.mimecast.com/ articles (either from Wikipedia or via Wikidata) and comparing it to another dataset (possibly *https://honours.pmc.gov.au/honours/search https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/PMNTCGv097U2jAlXcQ_ELf?domain=honours.pmc.gov.au)*, cleaning and coding data and, importantly, visualising the data using mapping and other visualisation tools. This is a pilot project with resources for a few days work which we would ideally like to happen over the next month. Experience with Wikimedia data analysis is a plus. Please contact Heather for more information or to express interest.
Dr Heather Ford Associate Professor and Head of Discipline (Digital and Social Media https://www.uts.edu.au/future-students/communication/digital-and-social-media ) School of Communication https://www.uts.edu.au/future-students/communication/about-communication/welcome-school-communication, University of Technology, Sydney https://www.uts.edu.au/ (UTS)
w: hblog.org / t: @hfordsa http://www.twitter.com/hfordsa