Lydia Pintscher <lydia.pintscher@...> writes:
= Open Tasks for You =
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These mockups seem focused on displaying data, with very little focus on search/organization (there is only a reliability filter in the mockups and a text search in some of them). If Wikidata is intended only as an infobox replacement for Wikipedia, that's probably fine, but if it is intended as a data backend for a wide array of projects, then entites will easily have hundreds or thousands of entries, which is unmanageable with the current interface. Some sort of tag-based filtering would be useful so that editors can get an overview of all the facts which describe when aspect of the entity (e. g. being able to tag the property "Country" globally as "geography" and then on the "Berlin" page being able to only view facts which are tagged as "geography").
The other thing I miss is some area editors could use to display important information related to the page, such as a warning label when there is a dispute going on. A freely editable area on the top of the page (like the one provided by LiquidThreads) would be nice.
I would also expect a link from each property name (like "Population") to a property page ([[Property:Population]] or whatever) which explains the conventions for that property.