Am 03.11.2013 19:59, schrieb Federico Leva (Nemo):
*Wikisource has a big difference in interwiki mapping. you can map an item in wikisource to several item in another language (we have an open bug in bugzilla for Pywikibot about it: Are you going to let people to add several links with the same site in an item of Wikidata or vice verse, adding one link to several items, both of them are technically seems impossible to me because your output is dictionary (when you call API) and diciotnaries can't have several values for a key, what are you going to do about it?
There's a bug report about this in wikidata too but no time now to find the number.
From a technical perspective, "sitelinks" have to be unique (per project),
otherwise they wouldn't function as "sitelinks" as defined by the data model (changing the data model would have in that regard would have aquite a few annoying consequences). It's entirely possible to link multiple pages on another wiki using properties/statements, though.
-- daniel