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-------- Messaggio Inoltrato -------- Oggetto: Using wikidata to extract aditional information about entities Data: Thu, 16 Dec 2021 10:33:49 +0000 Mittente: Ricardo Pinto
Good afternoon!
My name is Ricardo Pinto, I am currently doing my thesis, and I am trying to make calls to Wikidata. I am presently using SPARQLWrapper in python to make the calls, but I am having trouble with some things that I hope you can help me with.
1. How can I get the entity identifier? Given an entity (e.g. Portugal) I need to get its identifier (e.g., Q45). Currently, I am doing this by searching on google, but I need this to be systematic. Can you help me? 2. While searching for entities related to another entity, I need to make calls using properties. Is there a way to know what the most used properties are? I need a systematic way to choose properties to search. Can you help me?
Best regards, Ricardo Pinto.