Dear Wikidata Community,
funded by the OpenKnowledge Foundation's Prototype Fund[1] I am working on a project called OpenMetroMaps[2] since last September. The project is an open-source and open-data project. I develop free software, libraries and data formats for storing, editing and processing data about transit networks and for designing schematic maps. The idea is to provide the infrastructure for local communities to collect free data about their transit network and to enable them to make use of such data with a current focus on schematic network maps.
The project is concerned with data collected and topics addressed in both the Wikidata and the OpenStreetMap projects. Albeit there are license incompatiblities involved preventing direct import of data from one project into the other, both projects might benefit from tools that visualize and validate their data.
Since I am currently working on the project mostly alone, I have organized a meeting with the intention to meet other people interested in the topic. I would like to discuss ideas about where to go with the project and problems that should be addressed in the Wikimedia family of projects as well as the OpenStreetMap when it comes to data about public transport. It will take place on February 11 from 14h to 16:30h in the Berlin office of Wikmedia Germany[3]. Please let me know if you would like to attend so that I roughly estimate how many people are going to participate.
You can also read the invitation on the German OpenStreetMap mailing list[4] for some more details.
I hope to see you on Sunday, Sebastian
[1] [2] [3] [4]