Am 05.12.2014 15:14, schrieb KANZAKI Masahide:
Hello Daniel (Cc. Nicholas Humfrey), thank you for prompt reply.
I found the problem in NT from Wikidata URI like you provided bellow. And I confirmed that the latest version (0.9.0) of EasyRdf N-Triples serialiser has the same problem.
It could be fixed by minor patch on Serialiser/Ntriples.php:
- in escapeString(), use mb_strlen and mb_substr instead of strlen and
string array. Maybe no utf8_decode needed.
- in unicodeCharNo(), not utf8_encode
- in escapedChar(), return $c instead of "\uXXXX" for $c >= 127
Hey, thanks for digging in!
Would you report that issue to easyRdf at You seem to know that code better than my by now :) Please cross-link
-- daniel