I have proposed a Wordnet synset property here: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Property_proposal/Wordnet_synset_ID
The property has been discussed here on the mailing list more than a year ago, but apparently never got to the point of a property suggestion: https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikidata/2016-April/008517.html
I am wondering how the potential property fits in with the new development of the Wiktionary-Wikidata link. As far as I see the senses, for instance, at http://wikidata-lexeme.wmflabs.org/index.php/Lexeme:L15 link to wikidata-lexeme Q-items, which I suppose is Wikidata Q items once the new development is put into the production system. So with my understanding linking Wikidata Q-items to Wordnet synsets is correct. Is my understanding correct?
Finn Årup Nielsen http://people.compute.dtu.dk/faan/