Currently, there are nearly 8000 lexemes in Wikidata.
There is, right now, 44262 lexemes entity (query:, including 42 in Portuguese (query: and in a total of 321 languages (it already is one of the biggest database if you count the number of languages). In total, there is 120 391 forms for these 44k+ lexemes (query: far from the biggest databases but already an impressive number as almost everything has been done by hand and in less than a year!).
If there is not a person who can work to change this situation, it will
take years to let LexData represent the main ten languages including Portuguese.
There is already a lot of person working on Lexemes in Wikidata (I'm actually working on Breton). But true, there is also a lot to do! You're welcome to join us, the project page is here:
Cheers, ~nicolas