On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 7:34 PM, Scott MacLeod worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com wrote:
Congratulations and good luck, Wikidata.
World University and School (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University), like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare, plans on working with Wikidata, if possible, and developing in all 3000-8000 languages and ~ 200 countries, as an open, free, wiki resource for people-to-people teaching and learning. WUaS also plans to offer free, online, interactive Bachelor, Ph.D., Law and M.D. degrees in many, many countries and languages, accrediting on MIT OCW in California, to start, for its first matriculating Bachelor's degree class in 2014 at 'The College at World University and School' - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_Sc... .
Startup World University and School would be interested in working closely with Wikidata.
All the best, Scott
Great. I assume you are mostly interested in using Wikidata? Then I think for now staying on this list and chiming in on our requests for feedback and so on is a good idea.
Cheers Lydia