On 23.04.2015 20:09, Jeremy Baron wrote:
On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 8:29 PM, Nicola Vitucci nicola.vitucci@gmail.com wrote:
Markus, this is really cool! Can I reuse it as an example on WikiSPARQL? :-)
What's the difference between http://milenio.dcc.uchile.cl/sparql and WikiSPARQL?
Just a different codebase/engine? should they be expected to provide essentially the same results for the same query?
Yes, they are two services run by different groups of people using different software in the back, but using (so far) similar RDF dumps internally. Both should be considered experimental for now since details of the underlying RDF will still change.
We will also use query logs from the Chilean endpoint to help extract more test queries, see
(this is still under construction) These will then be useful as test cases and requirement specifications for the ongoing official WMF SPARQL endpoint development. The queries on the page are using a slightly different RDF model currently under discussion at WMF. Contributions (ideally with links to results) are welcome.