Hi! I'm Felipe Hoffa at Google, and I've been playing with Wikidata's data in BigQuery:
This looks pretty cool!
(Wikidata has 54 cats)
query.wikidata.org has 59:
I wonder why the difference?
Also, looks like your query:
WHERE JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(item, '$.claims.P31[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value.numeric-id')='146' #cats
only checks the first claim. But there could be more than one P31 claims in Wikidata.
- Advice, feedback?
More cool examples! :)
- My "raw to table" javascript code is incomplete and not very pretty -
which columns would you want extracted? https://github.com/fhoffa/code_snippets/blob/master/wikidata/create_wiki_en_...
That's hard to say - properties can vary a lot, especially depending on kind of items (birth date useful for humans, less so for buildings or paintings :) So it probably has to be rather flexible to cover varied cases.