Hi Amir,
2015-03-10 14:31 GMT+01:00 Amir E. Aharoni amir.aharoni@mail.huji.ac.il:
[ Aude and Christian Consonni, this should especially interest you. ]
Luca already posted the link that summarizes my idea about Wikidata and OSM.
2015-03-10 17:38 GMT+01:00 Luca Martinelli martinelliluca@gmail.com:
I just want to add a little bit of context to this, and I want to say that this proposal stemmed out of what I saw as one of the major advantages of Wikidata over - say - DBpedia, i.e. the integration with the other Wikimedia projects through Mediawiki.
I remember that when Wikidata was launched in Washington one key element behind the idea of using Mediawiki to build a data repository - which to me looked a little crazy (and perhaps a litlle more than just a little) back then, and in part it still does - was that using Mediawiki would have provided the users with the same environment that they were (and are) used to when they edit the projects. Even keeping the same structure of the site was considered a plus.
In the same sense I wondered "what would happen if we do the same thing with OSM?" Would this facilitate the integration of OSM data and Wikipedia data in the same way that Wikidata is facilitating the integration of data among all the WIkimedia projects?
I don't know if I have misunderstood or overestimated this "unified environment" factor, or if this idea was just born out of a period where in Wikimedia Italia we were like "Let's use Wikibase everywhere!" (we have a project where we are using Wikibase outside of Wikidata: the EAGLE project [1]. it is going very well and we are very happy about it).
The next idea was that it should be synchronized with OSM and then I realized that the net effect would be that this system would provid a new editor for OSM data, perhaps more specialized and focused in particular for tags.
And that's basically it.