Am 06.11.2013 13:43, schrieb David Cuenca:
On English Wikisource they were using this template to allow more than one link per language:
However it seems that is not working now on this page (the interwiki list should be much larger according to the wikitext):
MediaWiki used to handle this inconsistently: multiple links for the same language where shown in the sidebar, but not recorded in the database. This inconsistency was fixed a few months ago - now, only one link per page can exist. I suppose that's why the template no longer works.
language (5-10% depending on language) since it is the equivalent of having a desambiguation page, but having a big number of "work pages" on Wikisource for works that only have one edition might be detrimental for the user experience, unless they are redirects. How far is the development of using redirect pages as sitelinks?
I'm not suggesting to always great a work *page* on wikisource, even if there is only one edition in that language. I'm saying that there should always be an *item* for the work on wikidata, even if there is only an item for one edition.
-- daniel