Hello everyone,
The next Bug Triage Hour will take place on Monday 15th November at 17:00 UTC (18:00 Berlin time, see other time zones https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Wikidata+bug+triage+hour&iso=20211115T17&p1=%3A&ah=1). We will have a look at *existing API issues* and how we could make things better with the upcoming *REST API*.
*The bug triage hour is an online event where the product manager of Wikidata publicly works on triaging development tasks (typically on Phabricator), improving their descriptions, defining their priority, and collecting the wishes and needs from the Wikidata community *
*Details about how to participate are below:* Jitsi: https://meet.jit.si/WikidataBugTriageHour Notes: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WikidataBugTriageHour Preparation: bring your favorite task! :D
Looking forward to seeing you all.