Jan Kučera schrieb am 03.08.2012 15:04:
but I think you fail to import data from Wikipedia under CC-0... from lists, infoboxes and even the language links?
You may also read the disc on meta...
From my understanding, yes, it won't be possible to import data from Wikipedia infoboxes etc. into a CC0 WikiData. (At least under European Union law, where databases are protected by copyright)
The answer from Denny Vrandečić was: "Wikidata does not plan to extract content out of Wikipedia at all."
The problem, I think is, that Wikipedieans just expect that this is exactly what WikiData is actually meant for - to absorb the data stuff from Wikipedia. And on the other hand: how useful is WikiData, if you tell the Wikipedians, that they are not allowed to move data from Wikipedia into WikiData?