FYI, I maintain Reasonator, as a click on "Other/About Reasonator" would have revealed...
On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 3:57 PM, Derric Atzrott <> wrote:
It does crop up in many places.. What you see is not the Reasonator
per-se it
is the script used to generate a text. Compare it with the results in
other languages, you will not see this text.
That's fair. In that case the script to generate the text should be modified.
Absolutely. Do I take it that you volunteer? The code is at:
I can add you to the codebase there, and/or make you co-maintainer on the tool.
Because I sure don't have the time at the moment to fiddle with some edge cases in a secondary component of one of my 50+ tools.
Cheers, Magnus