Changing the language does not really work, the title of the item pages remain in English.
Did it have a German label or just a language link to dewp?
Probably it did not have a manually entered label at the time. After my post it now has. From what you write and what I tried today I assume that your don't use the Wikipedia-page title in a given language as default for the top line label of the wikidata page?
I realize that sometimes the Wikipedia title may not be the best final label but it seems an excellent default. a) a display default e.g. in recent changes. Presently many pages in recentchanges just show a number, although they are connected to many wp articles already. b) as a gray editable default when editing a page.
Presently, when in editing mode, the label on top seems to be visible only in a single language. If a label in English has already been entered, there is no access to it, neither read nor write. So when I go to a data page, I usually see NOTHING at the top when my language is set to German. The only way to guess the label of a data item is in fact to use the Wikipedia article titles.