One can always use the talk page, like with all the templates documenting usage and monitoring.
True. With additional benefit that you can use nice templates like SPARQL and SPARQL2 to display the queries.
talk page templates are definitely a valid alternative. The main benefit I see in storing SPARQL query examples via a property of a property is that they'd become discoverable via SPARQL themselves, so for example you could allow users to find interested queries limited to a set of properties with given characteristics (basically allowing filtering on all properties of properties).
Might be nice, but we need a good way to present the query in the UI (see
Agreed. I imagine, from a design perspective, these "helper" properties (like P1855) that are not really part of the data model could be grouped together and presented via a dedicated UI element, like we do for identifiers.
I think it may be a good idea to start thinking about some way of storing queries on Wikidata maybe? On one hand, they are just strings, on the other hand, they are code - like CSS or Javascript - and storing them just as strings may be inconvenient. Maybe .sparql file extension handler like we have for .js and .json and so on?
If you could store queries, you could also store queries for each item that
is about a list of things, so that the query returns exactly the things that should be in the list ... could be useful.
I hadn't thought of this use case, but I too see how it might be useful. Are there other good examples of properties that take code snippets as a value?