2012/10/31 Raimond Spekking raimond.spekking@gmail.com:
Am 30.10.2012 19:15, schrieb Gregor Hagedorn:
In German, translation of "Item" with "Datenelement" = data element seems odd, a data element is usually something much smaller and atomic. See http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datenelement
Proposal: "Artikel" or "Datenobjekt"
This is an invitation to you and all other Wikidata users:
Please become a translator on https://translatewiki.net to fix wrong translations and translate into your language.
Now that Wikidata is live is much easier to see how messages are used in the interface :-)
Sure. Can you provide us the links? I'm ready for some translations. :)
I should assume that Translatewiki will cope also with translations of Properties when the time will come, am I right?