we here at Bibnet (a government agency working for public libraries) in Brussels greatly admire your work on the Wikidata project! Thanks to the addition of Wikidata indentifiers to the viaf.orghttp://viaf.org project, we finally will be able to relate the personal names in our library catalog to Wikipedia.
What we do now (without identifiers): We use the Wikipedia API to query the ’titles’ parameter, based on the name of an author in our database. Lots of things can go wrong of course.
Example query: http://nl.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=pageprops%7Cinfo%7Ce...http://nl.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=pageprops|info|extracts|links|pageimages&redirects&format=json&explaintext&continue&exchars=1000&exsectionformat=plain&format=json&titles=Dimitri_Verhulst&pithumbsize=150&callback=jQuery17208731340558733791_1432116510465
Result in our library catalog (AquaBrowser software): http://zbb.staging.aquabrowser.be/?q=author:%22Dimitri%20Verhulst%22&uil...
What we want to do (with identifiers): Keep on using the Wikipedia api (because then there are no costs for extra development), but query for a Wikidata identifier (I believe it is called wikibase_item). I only find pageids as a parameter on http://nl.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=help&modules=query. Is querying for a Wikidata identifier possible? If not, what is a possible workaround?
Thank you,
Johan Mijs Technology Manager
johan.mijs@bibnet.bex-msg://13/johan.mijs@bibnet.be +32 (0)2 213 10 27 +32 (0)473 81 78 70 skype:johanmijs
Bibnet vzw www.bibnet.behttp://www.bibnet.be/ Priemstraat 51 B-1000 Brussel