Hello everyone,
[People not interested in financial data can stop reading here - this is only indirectly related to Wikidata but I asked Lydia and John for permission to post this so I hope you don't mind]
my name is Thomas and I am the co-founder of a new crowd-sourcing website for fundamental financial data (that is our focus is clearly on finance, so I don't think we are a "competitor" of Wikidata) called SimFin.
I am writing to you because we launched our open beta just two weeks ago and we are now looking for feedback, especially from people with experience in working in a crowd-powered-environment where data is in a structured way, just like at Wikidata.
I would be especially interested in your feedback regarding the data entering and review process, since I coded and designed the whole system myself from scratch and tried to make the data entering process as easy as possible.
Just to make it clear, all the data on our site is freely accessible and can be exported quickly. In fact, the core idea behind SimFin is to offer a free service that can rival professional (and very expensive) tools used to access fundamental financial data, such as Bloomberg or Factset, in terms of functionality, while still being free because of the community generated content.
Some links: Homepage: https://simfin.com Sample company page: https://simfin.com/data/companies/1 The same company in wikidata as reference, there are some similarities: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q156578
Thanks for reading
Kind regards