Hi Folks,
We encourage each and everyone of you to create a program submission. You can submit an interactive workshop or panel, a lecture, a short lighting talk or a poster for our dedicated poster session. Submissions are catered to both onsite and online (live or pre-recorded) or a hybrid combination. We would love to see submissions from all over the world, and this year there is an 'Open Data' track for projects relating to Linked Open Data (Wikidata and/or Wikibase).
The theme for this year's Wikimania is Diversity, Collaboration, Future. Topics that strengthen collaboration on Open Data are topics we like to see this year.
Session submissions for Wikimania 2023 are open until 28 March.
Visit the following links for further info:
Wiki page: https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/2023:Program/Submissions
Diff post: https://diff.wikimedia.org/2023/02/28/be-part-of-the-wikimania-2023-program/
Program Submission Form: https://pretalx.com/wm2023/cfp
Kind regards,
Butch Bustria
Chair, Program Subcommittee
Event lead, ESEAP Wikimania 2023 Core Organizing Team
We are working in the international campaign of this April "Every Book its Reader" https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/EveryBooksItsReader_2023 and we wanted to create or modify articles about banned books.
We realised that from all the different classes that are related to banned books, we think that only Classe Index Librorum Prohibitorum (http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q22765) provides the especific works (books) that have really been banned. For example if we query https://w.wiki/6Uwy and we take for example the 1st result Paradise Lost (http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q28754) we find the statement part of Index Librorum Prohibitorum. Most of the other classes what they do is providing links to lists in Wikipedia about banned books. We think that some work needs to be done in order to clarify the components of Wikidata ontologies about banned books. And we think there is the need to transfer data from Wikipedia (for example one list about banned books like this https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_von_Autoren,_deren_Werke_auf_dem_Index_…) into Wikidata and make sure that the class banned books is provided.
Is there anybody that will like to work with this challenge?
Núria Ferran Ferrer<https://fima.ub.edu/directori/ficha391>
Professora de la Facultat d'Informació i Mitjans Audiovisuals (FIMA)
Departament de Biblioteconomia, Documentació i Comunicació Audiovisual
Centre de Recerca en Informació, Comunicació i Cultura (CRICC)
Comissió d'Igualtat de la Facultat
Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
Melcior de Palau, 140
08014 Barcelona
IP Projecte de Recerca: Women&Wikipedia<https://www.ub.edu/wikiwomen/>
Co-directora de la revista BiD<https://bid.ub.edu/>
Aquest missatge, i els fitxers adjunts que hi pugui haver, pot contenir informació confidencial o protegida legalment i s'adreça exclusivament a la persona o entitat destinatària. Si no consteu com a destinatari final o no teniu l'encàrrec de rebre'l, no esteu autoritzat a llegir-lo, retenir-lo, modificar-lo, distribuir-lo, copiar-lo ni a revelar-ne el contingut. Si l'heu rebut per error, informeu-ne el remitent i elimineu del sistema tant el missatge com els fitxers adjunts que hi pugui haver.
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Dear all,
A new Wikidata Query Service scaling update has been published. It
outlines the WDQS current state and summarizes the suggestions with
the most impact we’re exploring now, with a few in-progress.
You can read the full update here:
We will also be hosting two office hour sessions on Jitsi
(https://meet.jit.si/WDQSOfficeHour) to directly address your comments
and questions with the team.
The first session will take place on *March 27, 2023, at 17:00 UTC*
(https://zonestamp.toolforge.org/1679936404). Additionally, to
accommodate those in the ESEAP area, we have scheduled a second office
hour on *March 28, 2023, at 8:00 AM UTC*
We hope you will be able to join us during one of these sessions to
discuss this important topic further.
Luca Martinelli [Sannita] (he/him)
Community Relations Specialist
Hello all,
As you may already know, the Wikimedia Hackathon 2023 will take place in
Technopolis, Athens, Greece, on May 19-21. This in-person event will gather
the global Wikimedia technical community to connect, hack, run technical
discussions, and explore new ideas.
*If you plan to join, please register as soon as possible.*
Registration for the Hackathon will be open until we reach the event's
maximum capacity [0]. If you plan to join, we encourage you to register as
soon as possible, as there are currently around ten slots left. We also
encourage you to book your travel and accommodation shortly. You will find
more information on the travel [1] and accommodation [2] pages. You are
also welcome to help us improve those pages by adding additional
information about Athens and how to travel there.
For people who already registered, remember to confirm your attendance by
filling out the additional field in the registration form (see the email
sent by hackathon(a)wikimedia.org on March 13). Please note that WMF's
scholarship process concluded in January, and aside from the 51 people who
got a scholarship confirmed, we cannot support people with funds or visa
documents. Therefore, most participants must organize their own travel to
stay in Athens.
This year's edition will focus on bringing together people who already
contribute to technical aspects of the Wikimedia projects, know how to find
their way around in the technical ecosystem, and can work or collaborate on
projects more autonomously. For people new to our technical environment,
there are other newcomers-friendly events you can join throughout the year
- feel free to improve the list. [3]
*You can organize a satellite event with your local community.*
For people new to the technical aspects of the Wikimedia projects or who
cannot attend the in-person event, a great option could be to organize an
autonomous, local satellite event to the Hackathon. These events can occur
before, during, or after the in-person event. If you are considering
running an event like this, contact your local community to get started! If
you need financial support, please note that the deadline to apply for the
current round of Rapid Funds is March 20 [4].
*Proposals for the in-person program are welcome until April 4.*
The Hackathon is organized as a participant-driven event and lives from the
active participation of its attendees. Because this year's edition is
focused on reconnecting with your technical community peers in person, most
of the program will take place onsite. You can propose a session by
creating a task on the Phabricator board. Find more information on the
Program page [5].
Similar to the satellite events, some online sessions, in parallel or ahead
of the event, may be organized autonomously by participants. In any case,
participants are free to work on their projects, whether in-person or
online, and connect to the technical community on the Hackathon channels
If you have any questions, feel free to use the Hackathon talk page or to
reach out to the organizers at hackathon(a)wikimedia.org.
On behalf of the Hackathon organizing team
[1] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Hackathon_2023/Travel
[2] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Hackathon_2023/Accommodation
[3] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Hackathon_2023/Documentation#Event…
[4] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Hackathon_2023/Satellite_events
[5] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Hackathon_2023/Program
[6] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Hackathon_2023/Connect
*Srishti Sethi*
Senior Developer Advocate
Wikimedia Foundation <https://wikimediafoundation.org/>
Hi all,
The next Research Showcase, focused on Gender and Equity on Wikipedia, will
be live-streamed Wednesday, March 15, at 9:30 AM PST / 16:30 UTC. Find your
local time here <https://zonestamp.toolforge.org/1678897840>.
YouTube stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw4MzJgDIzo
You can join the conversation on IRC at #wikimedia-research. You can also
watch our past research showcases here:
This month's presentations:
Men Are elected, women are marriedː events gender bias on Wikipedia
By *Jiao Sun, University of Southern California*Human activities can be
seen as sequences of events, which are crucial to understanding societies.
Disproportional event distribution for different demographic groups can
manifest and amplify social stereotypes, and potentially jeopardize the
ability of members in some groups to pursue certain goals. In this paper,
we present the first event-centric study of gender biases in a Wikipedia
corpus. To facilitate the study, we curate a corpus of career and personal
life descriptions with demographic information consisting of 7,854
fragments from 10,412 celebrities. Then we detect events with a
state-of-the-art event detection model, calibrate the results using
strategically generated templates, and extract events that have asymmetric
associations with genders. Our study discovers that the Wikipedia pages
tend to intermingle personal life events with professional events for
females but not for males, which calls for the awareness of the Wikipedia
community to formalize guidelines and train the editors to mind the
implicit biases that contributors carry. Our work also lays the foundation
for future works on quantifying and discovering event biases at the corpus
- Paperː Sun, J. & Peng, N. (2021). Men Are Elected, Women Are Married:
Events Gender Bias on Wikipedia. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of
the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International
Conference on Natural Language Processing, 350-360.
Twitter reacts to absence of women on Wikipediaː a mixed-methods analysis
of #VisibleWikiWomen campaignBy *Sneh Gupta, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha
University*Digital gender divide (DGD) is visible in access, participation,
representation, and biases against women embedded in Wikipedia, the largest
digital reservoir of co-created content. This article examined the content
of #VisibleWikiWomen, a global digital advocacy campaign aimed at
encouraging inclusion of women voices in the global technology conversation
and improving digital sustainability of feminist data on Wikipedia. In a
mixed-methods study, Sentiment Analysis followed by a Feminist Critical
Discourse Analysis of the campaign tweets reveals how digital gender divide
manifested in the public response. An overwhelming majority of tweets
expressed positive sentiment towards the objective of the campaign. An
inductive reading of the coded tweets (n = 1067) generated five themes:
Feminist Activism, Invisibility & Marginalization of Women, Technology for
Women Empowerment, Gendered Knowledge Inequity, and Power Dynamics in the
Digital Sphere. Twitter discourse presented many agitated digital users
calling out the epistemic injustice on Wikipedia that goes beyond the
invisibility of women. Their tweets reveal that they want an equal social
platform inclusive of women of color and varied identities currently absent
in the Wikipedia universe. Extracting ideas, values, and themes from new
media campaigns holds unparalleled potential in the diffusion of
interventions and messages on a larger scale.
- Paperː Gupta, S., & Trehan, K. (2022). Twitter reacts to absence of
women on Wikipedia: a mixed-methods analysis of #VisibleWikiWomen campaign.
Media Asia, 49(2), 130-154.
Warm regards,
Emily Lescak (she / her)
Senior Research Community Officer
The Wikimedia Foundation
We will soon deploy some fixes for date parsing that especially affect
Czech and possibly other languages as well.
Wikidata’s parsing of dates in the Czech language has long been affected by
some issues (T221097 <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T221097>), where
some reasonable representations couldn’t be parsed (e.g. 01.02.2023), while
others were parsed incorrectly: for example, 11.12.2023 (11 December 2023)
was parsed as 12 November 2023, and 07.05.1997 (7 May 1997) bizarrely
became 30 June 1997.
Matěj Suchánek <https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:Mat%C4%9Bj_Such%C3%A1nek>
has investigated these errors and implemented a solution, which will be
deployed on February 15. As far as we can tell, all the changes it produces
are positive: that is, if the way a date is parsed changes, then the old
behavior was bad, and the change is an improvement. Nevertheless, it’s
possible that some users expected the old behavior, or that some external
programs might even be broken by the change. Users who add time data to
Wikidata should make sure that the date shown to them as a result of their
edit is correct. If you want to test the behavior changes, the new code is
already live on Beta Wikidata.
We are currently looking into other languages that may be affected as well.
If you have any questions or want to provide feedback please leave us a
comment on this ticket <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T221097>.
Mohammed Sadat
*Community Communications Manager, Wikidata*
Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 30 577 116 2466
Grab a spot in my calendar for a chat: calendly.com/masssly.
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