Wikidata December 2017
  • 63 participants
  • 40 discussions
Fwd: Returning the favor???
by Andy Mabbett 07 Dec '17

07 Dec '17
The WikiCite 2017 annual report is live
by Dario Taraborelli 07 Dec '17

07 Dec '17
Problematic SPARQL-FED Query
by Kingsley Idehen 06 Dec '17

06 Dec '17

06 Dec '17

06 Dec '17

04 Dec '17
15 15
0 0
Weekly Summary #289
by Léa Lacroix 04 Dec '17

04 Dec '17
22 46
0 0
RDF: All vs Truthy
by Laura Morales 03 Dec '17

03 Dec '17
8 12
0 0
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