The International Conference on Technological Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (TAEECE2013)
Konya, Turkey - May 9-11, 2013 | Mevlana University All papers will be submitted to IEEE for potential inclusion to IEEE Xplore.
The conference welcome papers on the following (but not limited to) research topics: - 3D Semiconductor Device Technology - Advanced Electromagnetics - Component Technology of MEMS - Computer Engineering - Electronics System-Level Based Design - Electronics-Medical Electronics - Fiber Optics and Fiber Devices - Intelligent Transportation Systems - Software Assurance - Assembly and Packaging - Antenna and Propagation - Circuits and Electronics - Electric Energy Processing - Electro-optical Phenomena of Semiconductors - Microwave Theory and Techniques - Algorithms - Automated Software Engineering - Computer-aided Design - Computer Architecture - Computer Modeling - Computer Security - Database and Data Mining
Researchers are encouraged to submit their work electronically. All papers will be fully refereed by a minimum of two specialized referees. Before final acceptance, all referees comments must be considered. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Best papers awards will be distributed during the conference.
If you have any problems with the above web submission form, you can send the manuscript by email to (subject: TAEECE2013 Paper Submission).
Submission Deadline: March 20, 2013 Notification of Acceptance: April 20, 2013 or Before Camera Ready Submission: April 30, 2013 Registration: April 30, 2013