Hello dear Wikipedians,
my name is Tatiana. I've installed German and English wikipedia locally and tried to find out, how the Tables "Page" and "Langlinks" in the database are connected. Do you know, how it functions?
I've made some attemts to get at least a title of the article and correcponding titles of it in other languages.
So I took a piece of XML dump (German):
- <page>
- <revision>
- <contributor>
And the numerous ids
didnt let me to get the result.
The matter is:
In the table page page_title is Actinium and page_id is 1368.
In the table langlinks ll_from is 3
In XML <title>Actinium</title> <id>3</id> .
As far as I understand from the scheme of the DB table langlinks is connencted only to page table , but how? How page_id= 1368 turns to ll_from=3 and in XML id= 3.
I would appreciate your help greatly.
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