Hi all!
The next GLAMout is Friday September 6! (That's currently "tomorrow" for US folks but "today" for those further east.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:GLAM/GLAMout/2013/September
GLAMouts are monthly live Google Hangout on Air sessions where we discuss developments in GLAM-Wiki. It will also be recorded for later. This GLAMout is 3–4 p.m. EDT | 12–1 p.m. PDT | 7–8 p.m. UTC. The link to the video will be available via Twitter on the @glamwiki account and #glamwiki hashtag, and also shared with this list. *Please join the conversation by using the #glamwiki hashtag!* We've had great success with this in our past GLAMouts.
The GLAMout is a chance to share important news or progress on GLAM-Wiki projects. We did not have an August GLAMout due to Wikimania, so this one will likely be pretty packed with updates. If you have additional updates please do add them to the October GLAMout agenda so we can be sure to include them next month. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:GLAM/GLAMout/2013/October
Thanks so much!
Hi everyone! I don't think this reminder has gone out yet, so apologies for possible duplication or tardiness! The next GLAMout is today, Friday October 4th! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:GLAM/GLAMout/2013/October. GLAMouts are monthly live Google Hangout on Air sessions where we discuss developments in GLAM-Wiki. It will also be recorded for later. This GLAMout is 3-4 p.m. EDT | 12-1 p.m. PDT | 7-8 p.m. UTC. The link to the video will be available via Twitter on the @glamwiki account and #glamwiki hashtag, and also shared with this list. Please join the conversation by using the #glamwiki hashtag! We've had great success with this in our past GLAMouts. The GLAMout is a chance to share important news or progress on GLAM-Wiki projects. If you have additional updates, we may have time to cover them this month; alternatively add them to the November GLAMout agenda so we can be sure to include them next month. We always welcome new voices and new hearing about new projects. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:GLAM/GLAMout/2013/November. And mark your calendar for Friday November 1st. Thanks so much! Merrilee
Hi all,
We had a GLAMout scheduled for today but it sort of fell by the wayside in terms of reminders and scheduling content, so I'm going to call it cancelled. I am prepared to both host the meeting next month (unless someone else is dying to do it!) and also send out a reminder about the event a week prior. However, I'll need help both in terms of someone monitoring and pushing out info on Twitter and of course topics for discussion (along with willing presenters!).
For now, put Friday December 6th from 12-1 Pacific / 3-4 Eastern / 20:00-21:00 UTC on your calendars for the December GLAMout!