Dear All, Wiki World Heritage UG is excited to share with you the details of a new video contest related to UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage. Items listed as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage are very important as they represent our traditions, ethnic lifestyles, and culture. Despite this importance, they are less documented than tangible heritage, and even when documented they are documented in a format that doesn't reflect a clear idea of it(mainly text).
Because videos are very good to describe intangible heritage and also because they are very important as a format to be uploaded to Commons and used in Wikipedia, the Wiki World Heritage UG is organizing during October and November a video contest with the theme Traditional craftsmanship: crafts inscribed by the UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The contest aims to collect videos showing different skills and crafts from all over the world and use these videos on Wikipedia. You can visit the campaign page on Commons where you can upload videos: Commons:WHintangible 2022 - Wikimedia Commons
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We will be grateful if you could share this within your communities and contribute to spreading the word!
Best RegardsYamen