Hi CherianTinu,
On Tuesday 22 Mar 2011 14:27:22 CherianTinu Abraham wrote:
The reporter refers it as Wikipedia / Wikimedia on several times on the article, in case you haven't noticed it. http://epaper.hindustantimes.com/PUBLICATIONS/HT/HKL/2011/03/22/ArticleHtml s/Wiki-wants-women-22032011101054.shtml?Mode=1
I have noticed it, but in the times that they did say it, it was wrong.
I respect your opinion but for most part of world, Wiki means Wikipedia and not necessarily Wikileaks :)
A wiki is most any web-site whose content can be edited by users. There are many wikis around, and the various wikipedias, while being the largest, are not the only ones.
Saying "Wiki" instead of "Wikipedia" may be common, but it's not right. Likewise for saying "virtual" instead of "online".
Please note that the article was written by journo ( err... journalist) from the media publication and not me.
Yes, I know that. I was not accusing you. They are likely too clueless to tell that it was a mistake.
Shlomi Fish