Hi there, I'm messaging from Philadelphia, where I've been the director of a small hackerspace named The Hacktory for a number of years. We've developed a devoted if small following that has a good gender balance, and we continue to attract people of different genders who value gender equality and diversity. I attended Adacamp DC two summers ago and thought it was awesome, and I've really enjoyed the posts Sumana Harihareswara on the Adacamp list has been sharing about her own reflections on the Gender Gap issue.
At The Hacktory we also developed a workshop we call "Hacking the Gender Gap" to help people talk and understand the Gender Gap, which is been well received in a number of technical and community groups. This also lead to me being invited to write about the topic for Make:Zine (Make Magazine's online blog) and r recently in their print magazine: http://makezine.com/magazine/make-40/where-are-the-women/
I've found an overwhelming interest in this topic in our local community and visitors to The Hacktory, and I try to point them towards other resources and sources as much as possible. I'm very interested to be part of the discussion here for that reason but also to keep tabs on the conversation in general.
Look forward to hearing more, Best, Georgia