On 3/16/11 1:42 PM, Fred Bauder wrote:
I will continue to joke around a bit, but you're free to not be amused.
Fred, I really don't think this response is appropriate. If people are complaining that your humor is exacerbating the problem rather helping the discussion, don't you think it would be sensible to exercise some discretion?
I am exercising considerable discretion. I'm not going to walk on eggshells though. Throwing a hissy fit over every word or phrase you don't like is no good either. We deal with disruptive people and disruptive language 24/7. In a way, that is what we do. I've seen Mau-Mauing before, and I don't respect it; I may make fun of it.
The reference is literary, see https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Radical_Chic_%26_Mau-Mauing_t...