Feminae- International
Women's Day 2013
We are
pleased to invite you to participate in Feminae (“women” in Latin), a
collective and interdisciplinary work, which aims to bring together an
anthology of artistic and intellectual contributions as a tribute to women’s wisdom across cultures and history.
1. How to participate?
A. Choose an inspiring quote,
artwork or idea of a female author (original
language or translation; giving the source, when possible).
B. Indicate the name of the selected author.
C. Write your own reflections on your choice in English, Dutch, French, Spanish, German
D. Indicate your name, country, professional
An example for the contribution(The final size is horizontal A4 paper/format for online media):
artwork, idea, proposal, or statement
(original texts and/or translation, source)
"I am among those who think that science has great beauty"
(In Madame Curie: A Biography (1937)
(Pictures, drawing, collage can be included) B. YOUR PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION
Why did you choose that quote/work?
Your motivation
/ the work and personality of Marie Curie symbolize the irrefutable and
magnificent fusion of women and science.../
(Pictures, drawing, collage can be included)
data of the chosen author / brief information
Marie Curie, Polish scientist
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1903 and 1911, etc. D. YOUR DATA (female/male)
Your name, country, profession, background
Pedagogue, Argentina
2. Which format to use? How and when to
send it?
Please, submit your contributionno longer than 300 wordsbefore
the 4th of March 2013:
By email to patricia.morales(a)arts.kuleuven.be
- a text in Word or WP format or
- an attached document in Word, WP, PDF or
JPG following the form of an horizontal A4 paper
By mail to: Faculty of Arts, KULeuven, Blijde Inkomstraat
21, PO Box 3312, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
- Your printed contribution (following the form of an horizontal A4 paper
or equivalent)
3. When and where is Feminae exhibited and who receives your
-A digital / online exhibition will take
place on March 8 at the University of Leuven, Faculty of Arts.
-Feminae will be available online to the public and the media on youtube (film/power points).
-A copy of the book Feminae will be given to: UN Women, UNESCO and the University of Leuven.
Note: Feminaecan be freely used and reproduced, quoting respectively the
contributor, who retains her/his copyrights. Your participation implies the
acceptance of that donation to the public domain.